Walking in a new raincoat

So the rain had cleared up and it was actually sunny and nice but anyway…

Up High IMG_1598 IMG_1599

Yay! Splash, splash


Here’s a bonus photo: When you bring out a camera, Amelynne’s cousin Yolanna smiles beautifully, Amelynne does not.


Photos and more photos

Through much perseverance, Josh has finally solved the problem of uploading our photos, so here is a nice selection of some good photos for you:

High Five



Scowly Face



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Leaving home (well going to Daycare)

Big girl

Catch up post

I’m really sorry that I haven’t been able to update for the last month or two. So to make up for it I thought that I would cram everything into one big catch up post. So here are the videos, photos and developments from the last two months.

Solid Foods

Amelynne is getting better and better and more enthusiastic about solid food. She is very good at helping and will most of the time refuse to have it unless she is holding and guiding the spoon as well (hmm I think she may have a bit of me in her). Here is a photo of her very first try of food (I told you it was old).


Gorgeous photos

These are just a couple of gorgeous photos that we managed to take in which Amelynne actually smiled rather than giving her classic stunned I’m-having-a-photo-taken face.



You can always tell by her hairstyle when Nana has just given her a bath :).

Playing and learning

Amelynne has learnt so many new skills when it comes to playing, including putting things in other things. Usually this is blocks etc in containers but sometimes it can be putting things in Daddy’s mouth…

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(Once again it’s very dark because I didn’t want to interrupt the game by turning on more lights).

We also tried to capture some video of general playing. It’s very hard though because no matter how much I try to hide the camera it always gets spotted and all playing and chatting dries up. Ah well she’s still cute though.

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