Six Months!

I know that Amelynne is actually nearly 6 and a half months old but I’ve been meaning to do a post to mark her half birthday and just haven’t been able to get to it.


In honour of reaching six months I thought I would have a go at recording all the things she has learnt since three months (that I can think of).

  • To sit very confidently
  • To push up high off the floor and scootch backwards
  • To roll over (well she did it at 4mths and not since but still)
  • To shake different toys differently to get the best sound out of them
  • To pass things from one hand to the other
  • To pick up things with only a few fingers
  • To blow raspberries
  • To do two things at once
  • To suck on her toes
  • To wee when we prompt her
  • To put different sounds together to make ‘words’
  • To bang things together
  • To keep doing things that make us laugh
  • To kiss
  • To turn pages of books
  • To help get dressed
  • To reach a long way to get toys and then sit back up again
  • To take things out of containers
  • To tip things out
  • Recognises songs she likes and the games that go with them
  • To be confident and splash in water
  • To take her dummy out and put it back in
  • She responds differently to different people

I’m sure that there are so many things that she has learnt that we can’t even see and things that she has put together that we will never know about. She is watching, and learning, and studying everything so much it’s amazing to wonder what her brain is learning and doing.

Happy half birthday little Amelynne Grace 🙂

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