Posing, Hacking, Grabbing

It’s been a busy few weeks since last we posted. Amelynne has been learning a lot and is surprising us every day. Her biggest achievement since last time has been learning to grab stuff and put it in her mouth.


It’s a big developmental thing, ’cause she’s exploring everything this way now.

Next up, we had a picnic for Nanna’s (Sandra’s) birthday.


We didn’t notice until it was too late that Mil had dressed her EXACTLY THE SAME WAY AS SHE HERSELF HAD DRESSED.


We haven’t got pictures of it, but Little has also learned to say “Ghee”. Which isn’t a word (in case you wondered) but is definitely being used as one. She uses it to express happiness and love for Mil and I, and it’s a real honour to be “ghee’d” as we’re changing her or putting her to bed. I’ve been using it myself when I’m happy lately. My next trick will be to get her to add a “K” sound to the end, to truly show she’s her daddy’s daughter.

Speaking of which—she had her first play on both Mummy and Daddy’s laptops the other night and thoroughly got into it. She drooled a little on mine, but you could have sworn she was coding her first website.

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Gosh she’s a cutey.

Anyway, that’s it from us today. Please take a look at the other photos we’ve just put up in the [album] I’ll leave you with this one which I think is the greatest photo ever:


Love you all!

2 thoughts on “Posing, Hacking, Grabbing

  1. I just have to justify myself :). Amelynne was wearing a different top (as you can actually see in the first photo) but it got soggy so I had to change her into a spare tshirt. So it was a complete accident and has a perfectly reasonable explanation (and will never happen ever again lol).

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