Amelynne's First Christmas

Amelynne’s first Christmas was exciting, fun and quite long. She had lots of fun and did so well with all the people and noise and little sleep.

On Christmas Eve she finally got to meet her big cousin Fenella in ‘baby face off round one’.

Baby Face Off!

Careful don’t look away 🙂

Christmas morning opening her first presents with us


Helping unwrap

Christmas day was spent with the Nunn side of the family


Then boxing day was Christmas again with the Howard side of the family.

Christmas The first time all the cousins were together 🙂

Phew! Christmas is exhausting

Tuckered Out

PS a bonus family portrait we took on Christmas night (which actually turned out well!)

A Very Nunn Christmas

Posing, Hacking, Grabbing

It’s been a busy few weeks since last we posted. Amelynne has been learning a lot and is surprising us every day. Her biggest achievement since last time has been learning to grab stuff and put it in her mouth.


It’s a big developmental thing, ’cause she’s exploring everything this way now.

Continue reading »

Having fun

I couldn’t resist grabbing my camera yesterday when Amelynne was having another heated discussion with Josh. It is not great quality because it was quite dark but I didn’t want to ruin the flow by turning on the light. You can also see how good she is at grabbing things and pushing them towards her mouth (apparently that is what bibs are for). So here are the latest thoughts and musings from Amelynne.

[flickr video=2995179022]

And for extra fun you can’t beat a bit of flying, it brings out the grins every time.


PS unfortunately with all the extreme sogginess bibs are now a standard feature he he

Three months old today

To celebrate three amazing months old I thought that I might list some of the things that Amelynne has learnt so far:

  • That milk is yummy and so are cuddles.
  • Who the funny faces that she sees regularly are.
  • That being held sitting up and standing up is fun.
  • How to make very loud chatty noises.
  • Conversations are great fun.
  • That people will always smile back if you grin at them.
  • How to do little giggles when things are particularly fun.
  • How to push up on your tummy.
  • What hands are, and that you can bat at things and grab things.
  • That hands are really good for sucking on and also bringing other things to your mouth to suck on.
  • That dancing is very fun.
  • Having your nappy off is awesome.
  • A dummy means that it is time to go to sleep.
  • How to help pull up.
  • Life is always more fun if somebody is right there with you.
  • How to go to sleep in the bassinet.
  • How to sleep for 7-8hrs at night.
  • Books have interesting pictures to look at.
  • That life is pretty good and that there is so much more to learn.

Plus so many more that I can’t think of, and also probably a lot that I don’t know.

Happy three month birthday Amelynne 🙂

The Hat


Before Amelynne was born Amanda and Myles gave us a huge amount of clothes (thank you so much :)) and amongst them was this cute stripey hat. While I was very pregnant I lovingly washed all her clothes and fiddled with them and dreamt about actually having a baby wearing them. I tried to imagine what she would look like, who she would be and how it would feel. As I was packing my hospital bag I popped the hat in at the last minute for fun. Continue reading »

Fixed comment entry

Some quick site news: I fixed the comment entry form so that it will recognise who you are without having to fill out a bunch of info you’ve already entered. Now you can get straight to commenting without all this fiddle-faddle.

Here’s a photo of Amelynne to say thank you for visiting. Now go leave comments!

Shopping wears me out

And while you’re here, go check out Amelynne’s [album->].

Couple of cute videos

Second update tonight is two videos of the girl talking. Excuse my grunting and listen to her speaking. She could barely keep her mouth shut tonight.

[flickr video=2947995732]
[flickr video=2947148675]

Early morning beauty

I was about to leave for work, and Little was lying so sweetly in Mil’s arms. I whipped out my phone and captured the moment, and I’m so glad I did—everyone I’ve shown it to has melted into a little puddle.

Sleeping Beauty

Has she melted you too?

New smiley photos

Yesterday we got some great photos of Amelynne smiling (at last). Gramma was here, and the girl was very cheery.

Here’s a teaser:
Why yes I do think the current financial crisis is due to the...

Check out the [album->] for more