Nearly one month old!

Tomorrow Amelynne will be one month old! Wow in some ways we can’t believe that she is that old already, and sometimes it feels as though she has been with us for so much longer.

She is becoming more awake and interacting with us more each day. She is making more conversational noises which are just gorgeous and loves to stare at us and wave her arms around. We think that she gave us her first smile last night as it was the first time that she was really looking and interacting with me and then gave me a big grin with flailing arms. I think that we will have to wait for some repeat performances to see if it was the real thing. It’s very exciting though.

She has been feeding like a champ and is putting on weight nicely and last week weighed 3.365kg and had grown another centimetre, we will have to weigh her again next week and see how she is doing. Her other grand achievement was sleeping through from 11.30pm to 6am on Wednesday night! We were very grateful, and both had a good sleep.

We are all settling in together more and more, and I feel as though in the last week particularly we have been getting to know each other a lot better and understanding each other. I can’t believe how much I love her and how much time I can spend every day just looking at her and enjoying being with her.

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