Catch up post

I’m really sorry that I haven’t been able to update for the last month or two. So to make up for it I thought that I would cram everything into one big catch up post. So here are the videos, photos and developments from the last two months.

Solid Foods

Amelynne is getting better and better and more enthusiastic about solid food. She is very good at helping and will most of the time refuse to have it unless she is holding and guiding the spoon as well (hmm I think she may have a bit of me in her). Here is a photo of her very first try of food (I told you it was old).


Gorgeous photos

These are just a couple of gorgeous photos that we managed to take in which Amelynne actually smiled rather than giving her classic stunned I’m-having-a-photo-taken face.



You can always tell by her hairstyle when Nana has just given her a bath :).

Playing and learning

Amelynne has learnt so many new skills when it comes to playing, including putting things in other things. Usually this is blocks etc in containers but sometimes it can be putting things in Daddy’s mouth…

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(Once again it’s very dark because I didn’t want to interrupt the game by turning on more lights).

We also tried to capture some video of general playing. It’s very hard though because no matter how much I try to hide the camera it always gets spotted and all playing and chatting dries up. Ah well she’s still cute though.

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Learning and learning

The last week or two has been an amazing time of growing and learning, with huge jumps in skills and developments. It is amazing all that Amelynne is learning. First of all…

Drum roll…

Ta dah she sits!!

? All by myself ?

On Monday she sat for ten seconds on her own. By last night she was sitting longer and self correcting more (that’s when this photo was taken). This morning (Friday) she is just sitting and playing and chatting all at once for really long stretches as though she has been doing it for weeks. The progression is amazing! It’s so exciting!

There is also new skills on the floor. Amelynne has been pushing her whole tummy off the floor on straight arms for about a week and this also means that she is shuffling backwards and swinging around as well. So she is covering a lot more area on her mat and sometimes moving right off it.

If I hold still, maybe they won't see me

She’s also practising her camouflage.

Amongst all the physical developments, her vocal skills are also coming along nicely with lots of squealing, raspberries and newly invented words.

Amelynne’s very sweet new skill is very loving, gentle kisses that just melt our hearts.

This is a video of her third attempt on her new jumper. It’s more like delicate dancing and chatting than bouncing so far, but she has fun.

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So phew, what a week, I’m exhausted even if Amelynne isn’t and would rather keep going than sleep. 🙂

PS a bonus very cute photo in her new tshirt.

Geek like her Daddy

Having fun

I couldn’t resist grabbing my camera yesterday when Amelynne was having another heated discussion with Josh. It is not great quality because it was quite dark but I didn’t want to ruin the flow by turning on the light. You can also see how good she is at grabbing things and pushing them towards her mouth (apparently that is what bibs are for). So here are the latest thoughts and musings from Amelynne.

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And for extra fun you can’t beat a bit of flying, it brings out the grins every time.


PS unfortunately with all the extreme sogginess bibs are now a standard feature he he

Early morning beauty

I was about to leave for work, and Little was lying so sweetly in Mil’s arms. I whipped out my phone and captured the moment, and I’m so glad I did—everyone I’ve shown it to has melted into a little puddle.

Sleeping Beauty

Has she melted you too?

New smiley photos

Yesterday we got some great photos of Amelynne smiling (at last). Gramma was here, and the girl was very cheery.

Here’s a teaser:
Why yes I do think the current financial crisis is due to the...

Check out the [album->] for more