Amelynne’s 2nd Birthday Party!

On the weekend before Amelynne’s birthday we had all her available family over for a little birthday bash. Everybody had a good time, especially Amelynne.

We hung out in our rumpus room:


We then played pass the parcel, and the prize was a bubble blowing kit (which Tasman won) so we all went outside and had lots of fun blowing bubbles:


We then had the cake (a pig because Amelynne loves them):


In the excitement Amelynne actually lost her balance and fell forward and squished her hand into the cake (hee hee) but there was no major damage and we proceeded with the singing…:


What has Amelynne been up to?

The weekend before last she caught up with her family, including her little cousin Landon:

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Nobody else looked any good in this photo, but it is such a gorgeous one of Landon I couldn’t resist.


The next weekend we took Amelynne to the Hahndorf Farm Barn (which was a bit disappointing) and she loved the guinea pigs, and was surprisingly brave :).


She also helped to bottle feed a lamb:


Walking in a new raincoat

So the rain had cleared up and it was actually sunny and nice but anyway…

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Yay! Splash, splash


Here’s a bonus photo: When you bring out a camera, Amelynne’s cousin Yolanna smiles beautifully, Amelynne does not.


Photos and more photos

Through much perseverance, Josh has finally solved the problem of uploading our photos, so here is a nice selection of some good photos for you:

High Five



Scowly Face



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Leaving home (well going to Daycare)

Big girl

Here’s some latest cute photos.

Amelynne has been very determined to feed herself. She has been good at getting a loaded spoon to her mouth for a couple of months, but that is no longer good enough and she now has to do it all. This can make meals very long (kind of tedious) and very messy. Here she is after she first successfully fed herself her whole tea.


These are just a few gorgeous photos from the other day.

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You can also kind of see how much toothier her smile is now.

(Sorry for the bad writing I’m very tired :))

First Birthday!!

Happy Birthday Amelynne!!!

Well it’s happened, Amelynne has turned one!!

We had a party the week before her birthday with family. She was initially a little shy and intimidated but she warmed up. She was a little overwhelmed by the presents though.

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But enjoyed the singing and had some cupcake.



This is on her actual birthday, having a first ride on her rocking horse.

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Here we go 'round the ottoman

Last night Amelynne conquered the ottoman! Over the week she has been slowly increasing in confidence and skill, shuffling and moving along the ottoman and then the other day she managed to turn a corner, hooray! Well last night she completed a full lap around the ottoman with much grunting, frustration, and stopping to dance and bob, and with much encouragement from her cheer squad. Here are some photos of the feat in progress:

IMG_1203Cutest face in the world

Then this morning she wanted to get straight to it again (while in her pyjamas and who can resist a bobbing, stepping bottom in a wondersuit :)) so I whipped out the camera again and got some video. So here she is cruising (well wobbling) all on her own…ta dah!


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PS If you sing the song she will without fail stop to dance along :).

A Photogenic day

I was suddenly inspired to take lots of photos yesterday (and she was wearing one of her cutest dresses) and Amelynne was very cooperative. So I just thought I’d share some.





She loved her cubes of frozen yoghurt.



I love this gorgeous Daddy and daughter photo and in case you’re wondering that is a nappy cover on her head :).
